The LORD is in HIS Holy temple let all the earth keep silence before HIM. (Habakkuk 2:20)

Sometimes, to clearly hear GOD, we must be willing to lay down all of the other chatter in our lives.

“Chatter” can be a loaded word, as it requires defining from an individual perspective.

The chatter in your life could have good intentions with noble aspirations.  However, GOD does not desire for us to accomplish good things.

He created good things (Genesis 1:31) to accomplish greater feats (John 14:12).

One definition of Great is an extended dimension. GOD has equipped us for works beyond our customary comprehension.

However, it takes a Great GOD to navigate HIS children from good to the divine realm of Great.

This is where the instruction of GOD becomes critical because the releasing of “good” may seem challenging.

If HE requires that you lay down good, to accomplish Great, would you do it?

What happens when you pursue the Voice of GOD, only to hear HIS instructions of giving up good?

The choice is ultimately ours to make.

I wonder what Abraham’s life would have been like without him being obedient to what GOD instructed him to do (Genesis 12 & 22).

I wonder how many more lives would have had stories written about them if they were only willing to give up their good.

Do you have the confidence in GOD to put your good, in HIS Great Hands?

Your good plans, your good ideas, your good vision boards, your good checklists, your good aspirations, your good _____?

GOD’s plans are Great plans (Jeremiah 29:11).

Are you willing to silence your good, so that GREATNESS can speak?

The LORD is in HIS Holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before HIM.

Bless the LORD Affirmation


Thank YOU for challenging the mindset of our lives. YOU are the only ONE, WHO possesses the knowledge of our individual capacities. Help us to recognize when YOU have placed a pause in our path. Grant us the Grace to place those things that are important in our lives, on YOUR altar. We trust in YOUR ability to provide us with what we need to walk in YOUR Purpose on the earth.

Bless the LORD, oh my soul, and all (including my good _____) that is within me.

Bless YOUR Holy Name



  1. Welcome, friends, and stay encouraged. Excellence requires the test of shedding “good.” I’m glad that you’re here.

    1. Yes, we have to be willing to sacrifice good even without knowing the details of Great. Thanks for sharing! 💕

  2. This is so true, we must prayerfully learn to be silent to really hear our Lord and savior. After all, he is the Potter and we are the clay. It’s a blessing that God still works with us where we are.

    1. Absolutely, Tracy,
      As our POTTER, HE knows the best way that our vessels can be used.
      Love this input!

  3. Amen!!!! I love it because it’s all about His purpose & I so desire to please Him…..GREATER😊

    1. Purpose is so intriguing and well worth the journey. I pray that every heart that joins us here invoke GREATER desires for HIM. 💕

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