Assurance could be considered a perk of having insurance. According to, insurance is something that is obtained to help support a financial risk to anything that you may own. 

If you buy a car, you’ll need car insurance. If the purchase is a house, the bank will require home insurance. Even for individuals, there is health and life insurance.

Because healthcare management is expensive, and the burial of someone along with their estate, may carry a financial risk. Insurance is designed to protect us from economic challenges. 

However, blessed assurance should not be constrained to mere protection from unforeseen financial challenges. Blessed assurance is not an earthly insurance policy. It is divine COVERAGE and divine PROTECTION.

A blessed assurance provides confidence in your mind about WHO is with you, regardless of any circumstance you may face.

“Blessed assurance, JESUS is mine” were words written in 1873 by the partially blind lyricist Fanny Crosby. Her life was so intriguing and impactful when we recognize how her intimacy with GOD left a legacy-driven influence in church hymnals worldwide.

Intimacy with GOD can help develop a blessed assurance.  This assurance is not solely needed when your wallet is empty. It’s needed when life tries to deplete you and let you down.  It’s needed when doors are closed in your face, and opportunities slip through your fingers.  When it seems that everything is gone, you still have HIM.  HE remains with you. (Matthew 1:23) HE is your blessed assurance.

Blessed assurance is necessary for good days as well. It helps to keep our focus on WHO is with us and supplies us with the grace we need to function daily. Good days, bad days, gloomy days, and happy days should all be accompanied by a blessed assurance that HE is with us.

Even a thief on a cross recognized where his blessed assurance was and obtained it.

Despite JESUS being ridiculed, mocked, disgraced, and beaten, the thief still recognized HIM as KING. He still recognized HIM as possessing power beyond HIS impending death.  In a brief intimate moment with JESUS on the cross, HE granted him a blessed assurance. (Luke 23:43) He became an heir of salvation. He was purchased by GOD.

What about you?

Has the LAMB of GOD purchased you? Is HE your possession? Are you having intimate encounters with HIM?

Does your peace reside in a blessed assurance?

Do you rest in the confidence of GOD being with you? 

Are you having intimate conversations with HIM despite the craziness of your surroundings?

Do you acknowledge HIM as the risen KING?

HE is our Blessed Assurance …….

……and day by day, this policy bond should be reverenced.

Bless the LORD Affirmation


Thank YOU for loving us enough to send us YOUR SON. HE is our foretaste of divine GLORY. HE is our Confidence and our eternal Hope. HE is our divine Indemnity. HE is our daily Coverage and life-long Protection.

Blessed the LORD, oh my soul and all that is within me. Bless HIS Holy Name


1 Comment

  1. Hello Friends,

    When you open your eyes each morning, you should encounter a Blessed Assurance. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great day!

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