In the book of Job, we learn a great deal about the character of GOD.  We don’t learn everything about HIM, but HE does allow us to learn some magnificent, awe-inspiring aspects of HIM.

The book of Job is a great story to read if you are desiring to pursue a closer relationship with GOD.

The greatest takeaway from the book of Job is that we should not assume that we know everything about GOD.

Assumption is a great barrier to drawing near and understanding GOD.

GOD does not desire for you to know HIM through assumption. HIS relationship-building approach is like none other. HE is Sovereign, and HE is Just.

We learn early on in the book of Job that even with a solid intimate relationship with GOD, there was still more for Job (and us) to learn about HIM.

Many people, when reading the book of Job, will skim over it and just fast-forward to the ending. 

However, GOD allowed 42 chapters to be in the book for a reason.

While Job and his friends may have been incorrect about why GOD allowed calamity in Job’s life (spoiler alert)…..

their limited understanding regarding the nature of HIS good character was accurate.

We learn in the book of Job that GOD often communicates to us through songs overnight. (Where is GOD my MAKER, WHO giveth songs in the night. Job 35:10b)

However, what barriers are located in your ear gates? 

Your ear is a gate for the entrance of communication. Your soul is the hard drive that captures what you hear.  The Voice of GOD is the disc jockey waiting to choose from those songs to communicate back to you.

How about your ears?

What songs have you downloaded to your heart for replay? Are they laced with profanity or promiscuity? You willfully choose what you allow to speak (or sing) to your soul.

You have to choose to feed your soul with a broader purpose. You can limit your ear gate to solely a means of receiving entertainment, or you can assign your ears for a purpose.

If you know that GOD wants to speak to you, then purposely prepare for HIM by decreasing some unnecessary clutter (barriers) from your ears.

What are barriers within your ear gate?

Is it the constant flow of entertaining music or sounds?   There is music that entertains, and then there is music that entrains the Presence of GOD.

Which one is fed to your soul more?

Additionally, sounds are not just limited to music. It can be TV shows and/or news broadcasts. It could be coworkers, gossip, pride, grief, anger, or even your own self-doubt.

All of which can be barriers to drawing closer to GOD.

Only you (and HIM) truly know what your barriers are.

However, be of good cheer because HE can help you move them. If you are willing to acknowledge your barriers and address them.

Bless the LORD Affirmation

FATHER, thank YOU for the gift of communication. We desire to hear from YOU and acknowledge that we can willfully make some changes to allow more room for YOU. Please help us to identify what feeds and speaks to our soul more than YOU.

Bless the LORD oh my soul and all (including my ear gates) that is within me.

Bless YOUR Holy Name

NOTE: One blog post about the book of Job would not allow an adequate framework regarding developing an intimate relationship with GOD. I’m excited to share that in my prayer time with GOD, the concept of Chapter -by-Chapter Summary videos was received. Please click here to check out the first video and let me know what you think about it!



  1. Hello friends,

    I am happy that you are here.

    Would love to hear from you.

    Warm regards,


  2. Your messages are always so relevant to what I’m going through. I thank God for pouring into you so that you may pour into others (me)!! Your anointing is so powerful, and I thank God for you. This blog redirected my Bible reading to the book of Job so that I will hear and understand God when he speaks. I want that strong relationship with God. For me, this year 2023 is about intention, so thank you for your guidance with your blogs and affirmations!!

    1. Thank you Ginya for your transparency. I’m so glad that you are here and I’m excited about where this journey will lead you. Responding to a blog took intentionality so bravo to you. I appreciate you and your kind words. 💕

    1. Lady Shandra,

      Thank you for sharing. I’m so glad that these blogs are useful to you. I can’t express how wonderful it is to have this opportunity to add value to the Kingdom of GOD. Thank you again.

    1. Thanks you, Kim! I love knowing that you are here and I love you too. Thanks for sharing. 💕

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